CottonInfo is primarily a communications program, designed to deliver research and development outcomes and best practice information to growers and the wider industry. myBMP sets the industry’s best practice performance criteria and provides a framework by which growers can participate in, and be accredited in, best practice. Both are industry programs driven by the Cotton Research and Development Corporation and Cotton Australia (with CottonInfo having an additional partner in CSD Ltd).

The two programs are very closely integrated – the myBMP team sit within CottonInfo, and CottonInfo encourages growers to participate in myBMP.

CottonInfo integrates closely with myBMP.

As you explore this website, you will see that under each topic area in Information for growers you can view the industry’s recommended best practice, before being encouraged to click through to the myBMP site to view the specific actions growers need to take on their farms in order to achieve best practice.

Please note that you need a log in to myBMP in order to view content on this website – for more information, or to request a log in, please visit the myBMP website.

Visit myBMP